Saturday, July 26, 2008

Astral Plane, Projection & OBE.

Some might question, where do we go during astral projection? Well, answer is simple "Astral-Plane".Where is it?Fact is no one knows where exactly is astral plane (With reference to Physical plane) , may be when we advance enough in science we will have the answer.Many people don't know that there exists a strong relation between Physical/Astral Plane and Subconscious Mind.

Most of the people think "astral Projection" is a fancy name for "Out of Body Experience" but they are wrong , there lies a big difference between them.During Astral Projection you will be in Astral dimensions while in OBE you'll have a real time projection,You could see whats going around your body,your home,your city,you can even visit your friend or relative who lives in some other country.However, not everyone has a OBE,because it requires high chakra development which determines the time spent in OBE.Its more like a induced NDE , but you won't see the tunnel or light.

Coming back to astral plane,so what does it look like?
Many believe, its just replica of our world.This might be true to a extent but not exactly , replica is just a part of astral plane.I believe it has many dimensions/Protocols which differ from physical world.
Our brain during a astral projection tries to reduce the dimensions to the least number which is necessary to perform a action on physical plane.

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