Monday, June 30, 2008

My First Induced Lucid Dream with Lord Shiva.

I went to sleep early this night,was very tired.
All of sudden I see Lord Shiva dancing in front of me.He had his trishul(Trident) in his hand and playing his Damru,Then i noticed a Guy who standing in front of me and facing Lord Shiva.The Lord Shiva threw his trident on this guy, and he just catched it before it would hurt him.I thought I should give it a try and threw the trident back on Lord Shiva,it fell down after going few meters.Then I was like, instead of wasting time on this i should try to improve my Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming skills, At this instant as i thought about astral projection, i realised i was dreaming.

I then wanted to check so i jumped slowly, and tried not to get too much excited or it will ruin this dream,ok now i was thinking what should i do,I tried to fly but in vain.Then instead of walking I just started running,After a few seconds i lifted my legs and kept it as if i was riding a Bike,that helped.I was travelling without a bike at high speed,It was amazing experience,then all of sudden I lost it,as i woke up it was 4.00Am.

Had bad time,couldn't sleep after that.But was an awsome experience.
Life can't get any Better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some human beings evolve to where they can go back to sleep at a later stage and pick up where the last dream left off. Your impressions of who you meet and what you experience may change as dreams evolve.